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Local Authority name automatically shown

In the property details tab the name of the local authority is now automatically displayed at the top of the page, if the property postcode has been entered. As well as a useful location check, this feature will tell clients where to apply for Council Tax or DHPs.
Age is important for correct calculations

Entering a date of birth is very important for calculating someone's correct benefit. We've added a bright orange reminder alert that will pop up in the top right hand corner of the screen if one hasn’t been entered.

Overwrite pre-populated values

Being able to overwrite the pre-populated default values in the calculator can be useful if levels of benefit are different to standard amounts. For example, ESA could be higher due to transitional protection from previous benefits. The Overwrite Values screen has been re-designed to make entering your own values easier. Access it from the Results and reports tab.
Changes to some tooltip terminology

In a complex world terminology is important. That's why we've  re-written the tooltips for ESA, accessed by the "i" symbol, so that they now reflect the terminology under Universal Credit. Selection of ESA groups now includes reference to Limited Capability for Work and new-style ESA.
We run free introductory training webinars for all our customers. Scheduled every few weeks and lasting 45 minutes, the online sessions go through the main features of the Benefit and Budgeting Calculator. Perfect for introducing new users or refreshing existing users. Email for details.

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